....in mein weblog.
ja da bin ich wieder. wo ich war erzähle ich nur in einem exklusivinterview oder ich lasse es verfilmen
moi schaun ;-)
freifrau - 18. Sep, 11:12
ich glaub ich hab zugenommen :-O
plan für diese woche:
- laufschuhe und laufkleidung suchen gehen
- pulsuhr auf sommerzeit umstellen
- mental auf schwitzen, usw. einstellen
..ist ja schon mal ein guter anfang, oder ?? ;-)
freifrau - 29. Mär, 11:00
..ich kann mich allerdings auch täuschen, denn ich hab schnupfen ;-)
freifrau - 30. Jan, 11:15
...und wieder ist die welt um einen schillernden exzentriker ärmer
..ich mochte ihn und seine daisy find ich auch süss
freifrau - 15. Jan, 10:11
diiiiiitschääääää ötziiiiiiiiii
platz 1 bei den '100 nervigsten popsongs aller zeiten'
er hat es verdient !
es wird schwer sein, das zu toppen - aber er arbeitet daran !
freifrau - 28. Dez, 10:09
..dieses email hab ich heute erhalten. auch auf die gefahr hin, dass es nur ein dummer scherz sein ist, mich haben die worte berührt und ich werde ein paket (nicht mit geld, sondern mit gebrauchsgütern) auf die reise schicken. ich nenne es einfach engelspost ..... (edit am 6.12.)
Dear Friend,
Please excuse me for any inconvience caused by this message.
My name is Valentin. I'm a student and I live with my mother in the city of Kaluga, Russia, that is 200km south from Moscow. My mother is invalid. She cannot see and she receives pension from the government very rare which is not enough even for medications.
I work very hard to be able to buy the necessary medications for my mother, but my salary is very small, because my studies still not finished.
Due to the crisis our authorities stoped gas in our district and now we cannot heat our home. I don't know what to do, because the winter is coming and the temperature in the street can be lower than minus 30 degrees Celsius. I'm very afraid that the temperature inside our home can be very cold and we will not be able to survive.
Thanks to the internet access at our library I was able to find several e-mail addresses and I decided to appeal to you with a prayer in my heart for a small help.
If you have any old electric heater, warm clothes, electric water-boiler, high-calories canned food, vitamins, medicines from cold weather, any hygiene-products, I will be very grateful to you if you could send it to our postal address which is:
Valentin Mihaylin,
Ryleeva Ulitsa, 6-45.
Kaluga. 248030,
If you think that it would be better or easier for you to help with some money, please write me back and I will give you details for sending it safely if you agree. This way to help is very good because in this case I will be able to buy a portable stove and heat our home during the winter.
I hope to hear from you very soon and I pray that you will be able to help us to survive this winter. I also hope very much that this hard situation will get better very soon in our country.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2005. I'm sending to you many thanks in advance for your kind understanding. Please excuse me, once more, for any inconvience I could cause you by sending this message.
God Bless You,
Valentin and my mother Elena.
Kaluga. Russia.
..vielleicht hat von den bloggern noch jemand flügelchen - seht mal nach ;-))